by gmilner | Feb 9, 2019 | Uncategorized
Some women simply do not like having hair “down there.” They feel cleaner and sexier without it, and they love the silky softness of it. If you’re among the fast-growing number of women that love a hair-free intimate area, but you’re concerned about privacy,...
by gmilner | Aug 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
We’re so committed to giving you worry-free Brazilian waxing that we did our homework and go a PhD. Now you don’t have to wrinkle a brow when you’re in our capable hands! To get this prestigious degree, we had to make an over-the-top commitment to your health...
by gmilner | Aug 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Some women can’t bear the thought of one others can’t live without it. Like everything in life, waxing any part of your body is a choice. And if you’re a diehard Brazilian fan or you’re just thinking about it, there are some essential facts you need to know...