Shop 1, 86 Whitmore Street, Taringa, QLD 4068
How To Lose Age Spots

How To Lose Age Spots

As you get older, age spots start popping up all over your skin.

Age spots, or sun spots, are a consequence of sun damage through the accumulation of the dark pigment, melanin.

Although age spots are harmless, they are troublesome for most people, especially if they’re concerned with their looks.

So what can we do about them? There are many choices to make this pesky problem fade away.

At home treatments: For light-colored spots, choose products with the vitamin A derivative, or retinoids, that accelerate exfoliation of the skin. Weaker strength glycolic and kojic acid also fade age spots.

Professional Treatments: For darker spots, the treatment may require a professional touch.

Laser treatments are non-ablative and work by penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby stimulating collagen production from the inside.

Intense Pulsed Light also effectively tackles age spots.

Cosmelan depigmentation treatment is very effective in the improvement of dark patches and brown skin blemishes with a very high safety margin. It is for those persistent or particularly resistant pigmentation problems.

No matter what your aestheician recommends, the key with age spots is time and persistence.

Don’t expect a quick fix because there isn’t one. Combining treatments, however, is a highly effective way to speed up the process.

Set up a consult with us and we’ll outline a treatment plan tailored just for your skincare needs. Lastly, use sunscreen all year round to prevent further damage.

Call Us On 07 3871 0477